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Introduction to My Monthly Reading Lists

Introduction to My Monthly Reading Lists

I’ve been finding it difficult to track down recommendations for graphic novels or other visual-heavy reading materials that I find interesting (beyond a few bestseller lists each year) – hence the creation of this monthly catalog.

I will be sharing the best of what I’ve read each month, with the only guideline for what I select being a preference for lots of visuals. I’ll also share where they can be found and some information to help you decide if you would be interested in reading it too, such as a brief synopsis and my thoughts - don’t worry, no spoilers.

Each list will have tags based on the reading material type (graphic novels, comics, etc.) as well as genres, so definitely use those to help you find items you might be more in the mood for. You can find these in the drop-down menu.

While this catalog will hopefully help you and other visitors find recommendations, I’m hoping you all can recommend other reading material that I might enjoy as well. (Win, win.) I’d also appreciate any suggestions or questions you have around the information on each book so I can make them better each month.

Without further ado, let’s get to the first reading list!

The First Entry: August 2021

The First Entry: August 2021